Welcome to the PAC RAT portal
Here you can review PAC procedures, best practices, marketing suggestions, etc. Please click on any category below to expand that section.
(We recommend viewing this page on a computer monitor, as some text may be cut off if viewed on a phone screen.)
If you’re just looking for the link to submit your event, CLICK HERE
Performances/Events - First Steps
As soon as you’ve decided on the event and know the dates (either because they were already held for you, or you’ve cleared the dates through the office), the following things should happen…
1) Fill out the PAC Usage / Rental Agreement
You’ll need to know information like your event/performance start time(s), ticket prices, whether you want assigned seating or general admission, etc. The rental agreement should be filled out as far in advance as possible. You won’t be able to get your stage door access codes until the agreement is in hand.2) Get your Event Image(s) ready (CLICK HERE for an event image example)
Many orgs have been waiting to do this until much too close to the event date. Try to get in the habit of having your event image/graphic created as soon as you know what your event will be. The sooner the better. Ideally 90+ days in advance, but at minimum you should have this done 60 days prior to your event date. You can design your own, hire a designer, or license an image (sometimes the rights holder for a show will offer this option). What you should never do is use an image without a license. Don’t do it.3) Submit your event info and show image(s) a minimum of 60+ days in advance (CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT)
We need your event image (1000 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high) and event info (title, date(s), time(s), cost, blurb) 60 days in advance or more (90 is recommended). The further in advance you get these in, the sooner your event will be added to the calendar, placed in the Lobby Loop rotation, etc. Six months in advance? Great! Nine months? Even better!IMPORTANT: If you change your image or event details AFTER the 60-day mark, we can make a one-time change to the graphic or update the info on the website if absolutely necessary. But if it’s after the 60-day mark, we won’t be able to change it in all the other places it may have been used (pre-scheduled social media posts, lobby loop videos, corner sign programming, etc.) So again, it’s best to have your final graphic in place with your listing, and get that in no later than the 60-day mark. (90 days is recommended)
Your Event Image - What We Need
Ideally, you would prepare an image/graphic for your event 90+ days in advance. Minimum 60 days. Be sure you have the full legal right and/or license to use any images. Remember, your show/event image is not a poster or flyer. It should not contain a great deal of text.
Tall (Listing) Image (Required)
1,000 pixels wide
1,200 pixels high
These are the dimensions your image must be for your CoastArts.org calendar listing. We then use that same image to add your event to our lobby loop and our monthly “At the PAC” emails. In short, this is the image we need from you, in order to help promote your show. If you only send us one image, this is the one we must have. CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT WE NEEDSquare Image (Strongly Recommended)
1,000 pixels wide
1,000 pixels high
A square image is helpful in promoting your show/event on Social Media. It is also helpful as we create our “What’s On” flyers.Wide Image (Helpful for Facebook Promotion)
1,200 pixels wide
840 pixels high
This wide image is helpful in promoting your show/event on Facebook. BUT — it’s worth noting that a square image can also be used on Facebook if necessary. So if you can only create one, create the square image.IMPORTANT: If you change your image or event details AFTER the 60-day mark, we can make a one-time change to the graphic or update the info on the website if absolutely necessary. But if it’s after the 60-day mark, we won’t be able to change it in all the other places it may have been used (pre-scheduled social media posts, lobby loop videos, corner sign programming, etc.) So again, it’s best to have your final graphic in place with your listing, and get that in no later than the 60-day mark. (90 days is recommended)
Your Event Image - Preparing Your Image
If you have a designer who can make all the different marketing pieces you need, in all the various sizes and dimensions, that’s great! If not — if you only want to create one event image — here’s what Darcy recommends…
One image, many uses
Create an image that is 36″ x 36″ at 300dpi (dots per inch) with “white space” around all sides (meaning no part of your graphic or text touches the edges). Have a contrasting solid color or transparency around all sides. (Transparency is best.)Why 36″?
Start with the largest image you’ll need. You can always size it down, but sizing up will degrade your image, making it pixelated/blurry. (This assumes your largest piece will be a vinyl banner. If not — if a large poster will be your largest marketing piece — then an 11″ x 11″ image is where to start.)Why square dimensions? Why nothing touching the edges?
This ensures the image can be placed on just about any marketing piece without needing to be cropped, and the “white space” around all sides gives you freedom to extend the background as needed.How to use the image…
If your designer can provide an event image as outlined above, you can then use a basic program (such as Microsoft Publisher, Canva, Adobe InDesign, etc.) to place that image into a wide variety of marketing pieces and add the appropriate text/information around it.Here’s an example of how this can work…
CLICK HERE to see an example of an image, prepared as outlined above, and how it can work well in all of the most common marketing pieces. -
Marketing - Basic Recommendations
How you choose to market your show/performance at the PAC is entirely up to your org, and this list is by no means exhaustive, but at minimum we recommend…
List your event details somewhere on your website where people can intuitively locate them.Social Media
At minimum, we recommend a post 3-6 months out to announce your event, another when tickets go on sale, at least one post per week in 3-4 weeks leading up to your event, and at least one post for every subsequent week (if applicable). Share a post about your event to the NEWPORT ROCKS! Facebook group, but only within 7 days of your event (that is their hard and fast rule.) We also recommend creating a Facebook “Event” listing for your event. (If you do, please consider adding the PAC as a a co-host.)Press Release
Prepare a press release and send it to local press contacts (and beyond, if appropriate) about 2-3 weeks in advance of your event. If possible, include high resolution photography.Poster
Some locations in Lincoln County can only accommodate 8.5″ x 11″ (letter) posters, while others – including our PAC window – can use an 11″ x 17″ (tabloid) poster. If you can, create both. Avoid cramming it with too much text. It should draw attention, give salient details, then direct the viewer to your website for more information.Lobby Banner
A 3′ x 8′ vinyl banner, with grommets, will fit the “grasshopper” stands we use in the foyer. Each PAC RAT org can have one banner on display at a time. Use your own stand, or ours (if/as available).Email
Email your mailing list to let them know about your event. -
Marketing - What We Do
We can help “boost the signal” for you for public performances at the PAC, as outlined below. (Please note: We can’t guarantee these signal-boosts if we don’t have your event image and information at least 60 days in advance.) Also note: This is for public performances, not auditions. But if you send us audition notices, we will place them in the calendar and mention them in the monthly PAC email blast. Auditions in the calendar will also automatically appear at the bottom of the PAC “Get Involved” page, here…coastarts.org/get-involved
We’ll post your PAC performance on PAC Social Media three times
Using the image and information you’ve provided, we’re going to schedule three posts to run on PAC social media (which has over 3,000 followers). Usually this will be a “tickets now on sale” post approximately one month prior to your event, another post approximately two weeks before your event, and a third post within the week before your event (usually at the beginning of your opening week, e.g. “Opening this weekend”). If your event is on a weekend, it will also appear in our “This weekend at the PAC” post, which runs on Thursdays.We’ll add your PAC performance to our lobby loop
Using the image and information you’ve submitted for the CoastArts.org event calendar, we’ll add your event to our beautiful “lobby loop” video, which runs not only in the foyer and lobby of the PAC, but also at the VAC. The sooner you get your event listed at CoastArts.org, the sooner it goes into this loop and the longer it will be seen by visitors to the VAC and PAC.We’ll add your PAC performance to our “What’s On” flyers
As your event gets closer, it will be added to our “What’s On” flyers, which list the next few PAC events on one side and the next few VAC events on the other. These are printed and available at both the PAC and the VAC…but also…local hotels have begun printing these and distributing to guests as well. (Please note: How soon your event appears on these flyers depends on how many events are coming up at the PAC and when.)We’ll include your PAC performance on our “At the PAC” email
Our monthly “at the PAC” email is sent to around 8,000 recipients on/near the first of every month, outlining the upcoming events for that month.We’ll add your PAC performance to our LED signs
Using the information you’ve submitted for the CoastArts.org event calendar, when the time comes we’ll add your event to the rotation on the LED corner signs when the time comes. Please note: generally only the next 4-5 events are running at any given time. -
Marketing - Why 60+ days in advance?
Here’s why we need your event information and image at least 60 days in advance
Marketing takes time
If you’re waiting until a couple of weeks before your event to start getting the word out, that’s just not enough time. The further in advance you start to get your marketing “out there,” the better turnout you’re likely to see. You want plenty of time for your event info to permeate. 60 days is the bare minimum. But in truth, you should be aiming for 90+ days in advance for most events.Why 60 days is our minimum…
Working in batches, in advance, is the only way to effectively manage and execute the veritable flood of marketing tasks OCCA manages. This means a social post that you see go live today may have been built and scheduled several weeks or even months ago. In the case of our monthly “At the PAC” email, each of those goes out around the 1st of the month, listing all upcoming PAC events for that month. Consider this…Imagine that your event takes place on January 31st. That means it will need to be included in the email that goes out on January 1st (30 days before the event). But there are a couple of big Holiday closures just before that date, so let’s say we’re aiming to have that email built, reviewed, and scheduled by December 15th. That means we would need the info at least one week prior to that (December 8th). That’s nearly 60 days before that event begins.
The above scenario is the extreme example, and certainly in many cases if you didn’t get your information to us until a few weeks prior to your event we might still be able to get it into the monthly email. BUT WE CAN’T GUARANTEE IT. So if you want to ensure you get the full “boost” from us, 60 days is the minimum.
Additionally, if other marketing opportunities present themselves — as they do from time to time — and we have a chance to further boost PAC RAT events, we’re going to use the events we have information for.
Marketing - Getting Started on Social Media
If you’re new to social media, here are some resources to get you started…
Setting up your page
Posting to your account
Setting up your account
Posting to your account
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsS2BhD-EC0Linking Accounts
How to link your Instagram account with your Facebook page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwjSO1cXiSo -
Marketing - Reciprocation
When we help boost the signal for one another’s events, we all win. Please consider…
If you’re sending an email about your event, why not look through the CoastArts.org/pac events calendar, and include information about other upcoming events at the bottom of your email?Social Media
Share a post about your event to the PAC RATS Facebook group, so fellow PAC RATS can help boost the signal for you. Try to do this within 2 weeks of your event or less, for the biggest impact. Here’s the LINKPrograms
If you’re able and have room, why not look through the CoastArts.org/pac events calendar, and include information about other upcoming events on the back of your program? -
PAC Posters
We are happy to add an 11″ x 17″ poster for your public PAC performance to our PAC window display.
PAC Events Only
The PAC window posters slots are reserved for PAC events only, as opposed to being a community board. (Though, it’s worth noting that we are working on creating a community board in our lobby for arts and culture events that take place beyond the PAC.) If/when there is additional space on the board, we may include VAC exhibit information in that window, but beyond that – we really want to reserve the window for PAC events.Drop off your poster to Brian or Darcy
Give your 11″ x 17″ poster to either Brian or Darcy and we will place it in the PAC window. Timeframe for when it is displayed depends on how many events are happening ahead of yours — but whenever possible we’ll aim to get it up as far in advance as you give it to us. (Please do not add posters to the PAC window on your own or try move/adjust any posters you see there. Give your poster to Brian and Darcy, and they’ll take care of it. Also, please do not tape your poster to any other windows in the PAC. Thank you!)
Artist-Interest Posters
PAC RAT orgs are welcome to display a poster of interest to artists on the Greenroom bulletin board (e.g. audition notices, upcoming dance classes, music workshops, etc.). You can place those posters on your own (AFTER CONSTRUCTION HAS COMPLETED). Please don’t cover over anyone else’s poster, but feel free to remove posters if you’re confident the event/opportunity has passed. -
PAC Corner Digital Sign
Our new LED corner signs are up and running!
No need to prepare anything for the digital sign.
We will post your public PAC performances to the sign when the time comes. Generally beginning 4-6 weeks before your performance. -
Usage Agreement - Tickets
Your ticket sales cannot go live until your rental agreement packet is completed and signed. Once Brian has that, he can begin the process of building out your ticketing. When that process is complete, your “purchase ticket” button will go live on your event listing.
Determining Ticket Price
With the current ticketing software, there are two separate “amounts” to consider. There’s the amount your organization receives from each ticket sale (base price), and there’s the amount the audience pays by phone and at the box office, fees inclusive (ticket price).Online Ticketing Fee
Tickets purchased online incur an additional $1.25 fee. You can note this in your marketing, on your website, etc. We recommend an asterisk next to the public-facing ticket price(s) with a notation below along the lines of “*Additional fee applies to online purchases” or “*Prices above available at the box office or by calling 541-265-ARTS. Additional fee applies to tickets purchased online.“Ticket Price Tiers / Levels
You are welcome to set different ticket prices based on criteria such as age, seat location, etc. We hope you will also set a ticket tier/rate for OCCA Members (many orgs make this the same as their rate for seniors…e.g. “$25 Adults, $23 Seniors/OCCA Members, $20 Students“.)General Admission vs. Assigned Seating
This choice is also entirely up to you. We are able to do either assigned seating or general admission (choose your own seat) in both the Stiers and the Silverman. -
Usage Agreement - Blocking Off Seats
There are several reasons you may need to make certain seats unavailable for sale. We do need to have this information BEFORE your tickets go on sale. Some of the reasons include…
Depending on the event you’re producing, you may want to block off the upper side seats to avoid spoilers (audience members seeing into the wings or behind a set, etc.) Or, depending on the type of event/set, there may be sections in the audience you don’t want sold because those audience members would not have a full view.Actor Use
Some productions have “plants” placed in the audience and/or actors who begin seated as if an audience member. Let us know which seat(s) you want held back for this sort of use.Stage Extensions / Pit Use / etc.
If you plan to use the space directly in front of the stage — whether for the pit, or to have performers in front of the stage, or to build out a stage extension — we will need to know that those seats are being pulled out, so that we’re not selling audience members seats that won’t actually exist at your event.Videography
If you plan to have a videographer positioned in the theatre, we need to know that, so we can block off those seats accordingly. We recommend you discuss videographer placement with us if you’re unsure. For example, your videographer(s) cannot be placed on the aisle in row A — those are areas reserved for guests in wheelchairs. Additionally, it is not recommended to place cameras in front of audience members, or so close to the stage that it may be distracting for younger actors. Also please note that if you place a tripod in a row, we have to block off the entire row (for safety concerns). Again, discuss this with us – we can help! -
Usage Agreement - Comps
We need to know if you’re providing comps, and to whom, in advance.
Advance Comps
Let us know, in the usage agreement (if possible) about who you will be providing comps to. If the need to provide additional comps comes up after the agreement has been signed, please let Brian know the details as soon as you have them.“Last Minute” Comps (1 week notice)
It’s difficult to accomodate last-minute comps. Especially when the staff is not available and it may be a volunteer working the box office. If you have comp requests that you did not include on your usage agreement, please provide those to Brian at least one week in advance. -
PAC Access / Codes
The Newport Performing Arts Center is protected by an alarm system and includes four doors with coded keypad entry. There are two tiers of access:
Building Access
Those with building access hold a set of codes (a unique building access code and an alarm code.)Timed Stage Door Access
A stage door code is a second-tier code that grants entry through the stage door only after someone with a Building Access Code set has first entered and disarmed the alarm system.Building Access Codes and Timed Stage Door Access Codes will be issued to organizations on a per-production/per-event basis per the terms and procedures outlined below. These codes are temporary and will expire when the production/event has concluded.
(We understand that in some cases, productions are ongoing or seasonal. Those who believe they need ongoing and/or seasonal access to the building should inquire with PAC management. Additionally, if you will be in need of one-time after-hours entry outside of active production windows, please contact Brian at least one week in advance.)
Why are codes temporary?
Someone who worked on one production several years ago should not have (and does not need) ongoing, continual access to the building. By limiting access to those who are actively involved in current/upcoming events and productions, we are better protecting the building, your cast/crew, and your equipment, props, costumes, etc. -
PAC Building Access Code Distribution
Please note: Codes will not be issued until your rental agreement is completed and on file.
Each organization/group is entitled to up to 3 (three) building access code sets at any given time.
It is up to each organization/group to determine who will have building access. (For example: Director, Stage Manager, and Technician; or Producer, Music Director, Hospitality Manager; etc.)
Because your organization/group will be responsible and liable for the actions of those you grant building access to, an official representative of your organization/group must complete a form detailing which individuals (up to three) will have building access for the duration of your event/production/season before individual codes can be issued.
Before an individual Building Access Code set can be issued, the individual must first receive alarm arming/disarming procedures training, and alarm trigger procedures training with an OCCA Staff Member. (Even if you’ve had access and training before, you must receive the training again – every time you’re given building access codes for a new production/event OR a minimum of once per year.)
Anyone holding a Building Access Code set must complete and sign a form in the PAC office, providing their contact information and verifying that they have received the training, that they fully understand all the procedures and responsibilities, and agreeing/confirming that they will not share their code.
Why do you have to take the training each time?
We have learned the hard way that even very organized and intelligent folks can forget the alarm procedures if they haven’t had to disarm the building recently. Re-training is quick and helps to ensure you’re not stuck in the stressful situation of setting off the (very loud) alarm and not knowing how to stop it or who to notify. -
PAC Building Access Code Responsibilities, Violations
Please read these carefully…
Building Access Codes must not be shared
We cannot stress this strongly enough. Your code is unique and linked to you, individually. (Yes, we have a record of every time your code is used.) So, please do not share your code(s) with any other person. No matter who. Not even “just one time”.Any individual found to be in violation of this policy will forfeit their code access to the building. A new access code may be issued to that individual one time – at the discretion of OCCA staff and with permission from an official representative of the organization/group – subject to a $15 re-activation and training fee. This fee will be deducted from the organization’s settlement at the end of the event/production. Any individual found to be in violation of this policy a second time will no longer be eligible for code access to the building (this includes stage door codes).
Any organization/group whose designated Building Access Code holders share their Building Access Codes more than twice (collectively), will forfeit all Building Access Codes. Going forward, that organization/group will only have access to the building during normal business hours and/or with an OCCA staff member on site, per availability (and subject to hourly fees) for the remainder of the fiscal year (which ends annually on June 30th). So please…be very intentional/thoughtful about who your organization grants access to.
Why can’t you share your code?
We have your information on file, and you received the alarm procedures training. This is not true of whomever you may share your code with. Code sharing has resulted in the majority of false alarms that our staff has to drop everything and respond to, at any/all hours. If someone else needs access to the building, either have them come by during normal business hours, or meet them at the building yourself so that YOU can unlock the door, disarm the alarm, etc. -
PAC Stage Door Codes / Cast Access
Stage Door Codes are shared codes, meant to provide a means for those involved in a production or event – cast members, musicians, etc. – to enter the building while you are there, without your needing to leave the stage door unlocked or propped open (which creates a security concern).
We will issue each group/organizaton 1 shared Stage Door Code per event/production. These codes are unique for that particular event/production, temporary (set to expire after the event/production has concluded), and active only during pre-determined hours (e.g. the days/times when your rehearsals and/or performances are taking place).
Your event/production’s Stage Door Code will be issued to an official member of your group/organization only after your group/organization’s rental agreement is completed and on file and you have provided a list of all individuals who will have access to the code (including their contact information). While there is no set limit as to how many individuals a Stage Door Code may be shared with, it may NOT be shared with anyone who is not on the list you have provided, with their contact information on file. (If you need to add to your list, please contact the PAC front of house staff and provide the individual’s name and contact information before sharing the Stage Door Code.)
It is up to you/your organization to properly inform/train all individuals with a Stage Door Code of the procedures for utilizing it. Please ensure that they are aware of the following…
The code may not be shared with anyone, may not be used outside of the designated days/times, and may not be used if someone with a Building Access Code has not already entered the building, disarmed the alarm, and illuminated the Stage Door Access sign. -
PAC Alarm Triggers
If you accidentally trigger the alarm, DO NOT just leave the building. Contact PAC staff immediately if you cannot disarm the alarm.
When the building’s alarm is triggered, it’s not just loud and annoying. It sets of a series of events that involve multiple people and organizations. First, the alarm company is notified. They then begin to contact members of the OCCA Staff and Board until they reach one of them. At that point, that staff member or board member must drop what they’re doing and race down to the PAC – not knowing if it is a false alarm trigger, or if they’re going to come face to face with someone who has broken into the building and may cause them harm. If the alarm company can’t reach a staff or board member, or if the staff or board member is for any reason unable to get to the building, the police are called.
Our staff and board has had to respond to MANY false alarms due to code sharing violations and/or individuals not understanding how to properly disarm the alarm system. It is stressful. It disrupts their lives. It wastes their time. It can be frightening.
When an individual triggers the alarm, whether because they forgot the disarming procedures or because they violated the no-code-sharing policy, the organization/group is liable. A penalty of $50 will apply for the first occurrence. A second false-alarm trigger will result in a $100 penalty (in addition to the initial penalty). A third false alarm trigger will result in a $200 penalty (in addition to the previous penalties).
A fourth false alarm will result in the deactivation of all Building and Stage Door Codes related to your organization/group and its production/event. Going forward, your organization/group would still have access to the building, but only during normal business hours and/or with an OCCA staff member on site, per availability (and subject to hourly fees) for the remainder of the fiscal year (which ends annually on June 30th).
Penalty amounts will be deducted from your next production/event settlement.