Jun 23 - Jun 27, 2025


Newport Visual Arts Center

777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, OR 97365



Tuition (includes snacks, supplies)

Learn, explore, and create this summer at the VAC!

Creative teens headed into 6th-12th grades (as of fall 2025) can participate in this week-long series of classes, where they’ll take an in-depth look at the basic foundations of art and design. Students will be encouraged to experiment with a variety of mediums as they are introduced to the elements and principles of design.  The knowledge gained through this fast-paced course can be applied to 2D & 3D art forms, as well as the performing arts.  Students will be guided through their mediums of choice as they develop their understanding of the elements of art such as line, shape, color, space, value, movement, pattern, variety and unity in their work. No art experience necessary. Each class will include instruction, creation and reflection time.

Students entering 6th-12th grades
11am – 4pm (with a lunch break)

$200 (includes snacks and supplies)
Students should bring a water bottle and a sack lunch

Maximum of 25 students. Deadline to register is June 7.

Scholarships may be available. If funds are a barrier to learning, CLICK HERE to request financial assistance. Deadline to apply is May 24th, with scholarships announced May 30th.



2025 Arts 101 Teen Camp Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Student Info

Student Grade (as of fall 2025)*

Parent/Guardian Info

Emergency Contact / Pickup Info

Student Self-Departure (Only check this box if you want to allow your child to leave camp WITHOUT an adult)


I understand that I will need to send my student to camp with a water bottle and a sack lunch*
I understand that daily drop-off is between 10:30am-11:00am.*
I understand that daily pickup is at 4pm*
I understand that my student will be expected to participate, listen when instructors are speaking, and at all times be respectful to leaders, OCCA staff, and fellow students. Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior, including inappropriate language, contact, or conduct, may result in my student's immediate dismissal from camp.*
I agree to allow my child to receive medical treatment, should the need arise. I also give permission for my child to be transported to the nearest hospital in the event of a medical emergency. As parent and/or guardian of the above named child, I promise to hold Oregon Coast Council for the Arts harmless from any liabilities it may incur from the above named minor in connection with participation in camp activities except as might arise because of negligence on the part of the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts.
Throughout the summer, we may photograph or record within and/or around the arts center, which may capture your child's participation, directly or indirectly. These images may be used for educational, promotional, and/or marketing purposes, and may be shared through our website, social media pages, and beyond. By typing your electronic signature below, you grant permission for your child's likeness and/or voice to be recorded by while participating in summer activities, waive all rights to ownership of or compensation for said recordings, and indicate your understanding and agreement that all rights to these photographs and videos are reserved by and shall become property of the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts (OCCA) to be used by OCCA for education, promotion, and/or publicity.

Billing Info

Registration Fee


About Kirk Robert Paulson, Camp Director:
Kirk studied at Rhode Island School of Design and received a Master of Education from Fitchburg University. He has worked in a variety of creative fields, and taught at Gibbs College, North Central Charter Essential School, Leominster High School, Naquag Jr. High School, Wachusett Regional School District, and Becker Junior College.

Newport Visual Arts Center

777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, OR 97365 - Get Directions