Apr 24 - May 1, 2025


Newport Visual Arts Center

777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, OR 97365



Adults (or 12+ with accompanying adult)

All materials will be provided

Clay Ocarina Flutes
with Rena Ekmanis
Adults (or youth 12+ with adult)

This class will introduce you to the world of handmade clay flutes, or ocarinas. The instructor will walk you through how to make a hollow shape either by pinch pot technique or by joining two bowl shapes together. From there you will learn how to add a sound hole, fipple, airway and a mouthpiece. This is a simple form but it requires precision, focused attention and fine motor skills. Both class sessions will be focused on refining and completing at least one clay flute per student, including a single coat of glaze. After the second class, the clay will be bisque fired to completion and available for pick up during the VAC’s regular open hours. Please allow approximately 2 weeks for the clay to dry and be fired before they will be ready for pick up. We will notify all students when they are ready.

April 24 & May 1 (2 Week Class)
Thursdays, 4-6:30pm

Deadline to register is April 15

Scholarships may be available. If funds are a barrier to learning, apply for financial assistance HERE.

About the instructor:
Rena Ekmanis is a multi-media artist and illustrator living on the majestic Oregon Coast. Her art expresses a love and fascination with the natural wonders of our magnificent earth.  A majority of her work is about the ocean and marine life, especially endangered species. She works in a variety of mediums including acrylics, watercolors, clay, wood and most recently mosaics made with micro plastic marine debris.

Newport Visual Arts Center

777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, OR 97365 - Get Directions