Apr 10 - Apr 11, 2025



Materials Included

Newport Paper & Book Arts Festival
Patterns and Textures from Rubbings:
Collaged Concertina with Wrap-Around Cover
Working with a variety of papers, including an unusual “rock” paper, we will begin the workshop by creating a collection of patterned and textured collage papers made by layering various dry media rubbed over stencils, found textures and embossing plates. These papers will be used to create imagery, realistic or abstract, in an accordion book that includes a wrap-around cover with a slotted closure. Images collaged onto the accordion can be individually designed for each panel, or they can form one continuous image across the width of the book. An alternative, drummed structure will also be introduced, this one inviting the artist to add rubbings to individual folios before binding.

Students should bring: Several Prismacolor colored pencils (more if you have them), cutting mat (18 x 24”), X-Acto knife (with fresh blade), Teflon bonefolder, scoring tool, tweezers, micro spatula, graduated metal edges, small triangle or square, see-through plastic rulers – various widths and lengths, scissors, pencil, eraser, PVA with water jar, glue brush ~1/2” diameter, glue sheets.

Optional: Other rubbing media (different kinds of crayons; anything waxy, but not chalky), personal light.

Two-Day Workshop
Thursday, April 10 & Friday, April 11
9am to 4:30pm (lunch break 12-1pm)
Toledo Oregon Fire Station [MAP]
For adults and youth ages 16+ (accompanied by an adult) 

Margo Klass is a mixed-media sculptor whose work includes constructions and artist books. In both, natural and found objects are springboards for content, often narrative but always symbolic of meaning beyond what the objects suggest. Aesthetically she draws from her study of medieval art and travel in Japan. She has received awards from the Rasmuson Foundation and the Alaska State Council on the Arts. In 2015, she received the Governor’s Individual Artist Award. Her work is in the Alaska State Museum, Anchorage Museum, University of Alaska Museum of the North, Pratt Museum, and other public and private collections.



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