Polly Plumb Productions invites you to take a socially distanced, masks on, stroll through Yachats, during the 2021 Spring Equinox Celebration and Flower Bulb Exchange. This Spring Stroll will be held Saturday, March 20, 2021. Hours are 11:15 AM -1:30 PM.
Enjoy musical entertainment at 4 Yachats locations provided by a variety of Lincoln County performers. There will be one or two acts at four venues. The Drift Inn Hotel Lobby, under the Rainspout sign, The Old Yachats Fire Station, The Pavilion behind the Yachats Commons, and The Piper on the Point will perform outside, at the end of the earth, in the Yachats State Park.
Musicians taking part include:
Darroll Morehouse, a Newport based bagpiper will be our Piper at the Point. The Piper will play shorter sets at his discretion, beginning at 11:15 AM to kick off the stroll.
Former Yachats Fire Station:
Dave Cowden Guitar and Vocals,
Ian Smith Guitar and Vocals
Rainspout Gallery at the Drift:
Son of the Beaches, guitar, bass, vocals, featuring Franz Paul Van Den Bogaard and Aaron Gibson.
Yachats Commons Pavilion:
Weird Science Boyz 80’s Power Trio
Kevin Strever-Lead Vocals and Guitar, Ronnie Jay Pirrello-Lead Vocals and Bass, and Richard Robitaille-Drums.
Bring flower bulbs and plant starts to share. Wear a smile so big your mask can't hide it!
Visit pollyplumb.org and Polly Plumb on Facebook for more info.
