Mixed Media

Born in 1930 in Munich, Germany, Horst Wolf immigrated to the United States and became a citizen. After 40 years of working on communication satellites in Silicon Valley, he retired in 1995 and took his first watercolor painting class from Sonja Hamilton of Redwood City, Calif. Horst’s slowly changing style spans the gamut from realistic landscapes, still lifes and portraits executed with transparent watercolors, to surreal and nonrepresentational work in mixed media, to humorous depictions of life on Mars with accompanying poetry, to mixed media assemblage art from found objects. Sometimes he writes accompanying text and publishes a booklet for the exhibit. Published titles include Twenty-one Watercolors, A Trip through the Greek Islands, Goddesses, Nymphs and their Pets, My Bluff House, Art Walk Musicians and Similar Low Life, The Martians, Martian Professions, My last Trip to Mars, Martians for Adults and The Martian IRS. He has been juried into exhibits of the Watercolor Society of Oregon, the California Watercolor Association and the Coos Art Museum (Regional Juried Art Exhibits, Expressions West and National Maritime Exhibit). Horst is a member of the Pelican Bay Arts Association in Brookings, the Watercolor Society of Oregon and the California Watercolor Association. He is presently represented by a half dozen galleries in Southern Oregon.