Jan 7 - Feb 26, 2023


Newport Performing Arts Center

777 W. Olive Street, Newport, OR 97365

Local photographers Bill Posner and Rena Olson offer a view, through their lenses, of wandering Yakona Nature Preserve’s trails and hidden places, reverently sharing space with Yakona’s wildlife, and allowing secrets of the native coastal fog-belt forest to be revealed. Posner’s goal is to help the viewer to see through his eyes, experience what he feels, and allow each individual’s imagination to extend it further. Olson invites viewers to join her on a journey of total immersion in the moment, leaving no trace, but coming away with something more – the desire to preserve, respect, and protect.

This exhibit coincides with Newport Symphony Orchestra’s concert by the same name, which performs January 21 and 22 and features a world premiere commissioned work by Dr. Sara Graef – on the natural beauty of Yakona Nature Preserve. Both Posner and Olson will be on site Saturday, January 21st during the Symphony’s concert.

Exhibits at Olive Street Gallery are free to the public and can be viewed during Newport Performing Arts Center’s normal box office hours (Tuesday – Friday from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM), or while attending events and performances at the PAC.

To learn more about Yakona Nature Preserve, visit


While you’re at the PAC, don’t forget to join the conversation!

Through April of 2023, we’re measuring the impact of non-profit arts and cultural institutions in Lincoln County, as part of Americans for the Arts’ Arts & Economic Prosperity Study 6—the nation’s largest, most comprehensive study of the Arts & Culture sector…and you can help! When you attend this event, please complete an “AEP6” survey before you leave the building (and every time you attend an event or exhibit at the PAC). 3 minutes, 13 questions, totally anonymous. Look for the iPads located in the lobby, or ask an usher for a paper copy.

To learn more about this incredible study, and what makes it so important, click here.


Newport Performing Arts Center

777 W. Olive Street, Newport, OR 97365 - Get Directions