Portland, OR, USA



There is no charge, but a donation of $15 - $30 is suggested to cover concert costs. Seating is limited, so reservations must be made prior to each concert. Once reservations are made, patrons are given information about location and directions. Donations may be made in advance by check or at the concert itself. Email for a payment address. Reservations are confirmed by phone or email, and then directions are provided. Seating is limited to approximately 30-40 guests depending on the concert location.

INHOUSE is a venue for jazz musicians to interact with small audiences in an informal intimate setting; an opportunity for audiences to relax and enjoy fantastic music within the comfortable environment of someone’s home. The INHOUSE JAZZ atmosphere is informal. The setting is an intimate one, free from the distractions and noise often associated with a restaurant or bar

INHOUSE Jazz presents a series of afternoon house concerts featuring regional jazz artists throughout the spring and summer, highlighting a variety of musicians, their unique styles and compositions. These intimate concerts are hosted by jazz vocalist Annie Averre, introducing diverse musicians to jazz enthusiasts.

All money collected from donations beyond expenses is contributed in support of education in jazz and the arts for Lincoln County Schools and to individual young artists. Our mission is to support and equip the next generation of artists. Money for individual private instruction is provided for students in financial need. Student recipients are identified by their school music instructors, INHOUSE donates funds to Lincoln County Schools, to pay for badly needed instrument repairs for the middle school and high school band programs, and INHOUSE helps to pay for students to attend performances, workshops, and clinics at the local jazz festival.

INHOUSE Jazz is an official member of the International Folk Alliance.

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