To purchase work(s), or for more information and images, contact OCCA VAC Director Tom Webb at or 541-265-6569

Carol Shenk - Newport

Pelicans Flying in Formation - Mixed media collage (paper, ink, acrylic, and mica) on paper , 16.5” x 27.25” , $600 (unframed)

Bio: Carol Shenk is currently drawing, painting and working in collage, using paper, mixed media and textiles.

Sandy Shepard - Pacific City

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - Oil and cold wax medium on birch cradled panel, 12” x 12” x 1.5”, $300

Bio: Sandy Shepard is an Oregon Coast artist accomplished in oil and cold wax, encaustic, acrylic, mixed media and collage.

Note: The title reflects our time dealing with the Covid-19 virus.

Nora Sherwood - Lincoln City

Nesting Osprey Pair - Watercolor, pen and ink, 20” x 26”, $950 (custom mahogany frame, matting and Plexiglas)

Bio: Nora Sherwood is a natural science illustrator and nature artist who enjoys illustrating the flora and fauna of the Oregon coast.

Jim Shull - Silverton

Relics 15 - Acrylic on panel, 18” x 24”, $600

Bio: Jim Shull has been an emerging artist for about 70 years with similar intentions for the next 70 years.

Gretta Siegel - Manzanita

Turn on Your Love Light - Photograph on stretched canvas, 16” x 20” x 1.25”, $300

Bio: A serious photographer since age 15, Gretta Siegel is now happily retired and splitting time between the North Coast and the Sonoran Desert.

Sara Siggelkow – Gleneden Beach

We Are All Connected 1 - Mixed media (hand-dyed recycled maps, book pages, kraft paper, copper), 11.75” x 11.75”, $100

Bio: Sara Siggelkow enjoys the challenge and beauty of combining recycled materials to produce unexpected art.

To purchase work(s), or for more information and images, contact OCCA VAC Director Tom Webb at or 541-265-6569

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