Presented by Newport Visual Arts Center
and Oregon Coast Council for the Arts
April 10, 11, and 12, 2025
Now in our 28th year! NPBAF celebrates papermaking and manipulation, surface design, book arts, collage, nature printing, mixed media, and more.
Our 2025 festival, which takes place in Newport, Oregon and the surrounding communities, will feature 10 workshops (five 2-day workshops, five 1-day workshops), from Thursday, April 10th through Saturday, April 12th, led by Dayna Collins, Randi Parkhust, Margo Klass, Pietro Accardi, Belinda Hill, Celeste Chalasani, Jocelyn Stoody, and Connie Stricks.
$330.00 (plus varying materials fee)
Thursday & Friday, April 10 & 11
9am -4:30 (lunch break 12-1pm)
Paper and Fabric Marbling
with Pietro Accardi (SOLD OUT)
Beautiful Compartmentalized Box
with Randi Parkhurst
Lexicon of Collage
with Dayna Collins (SOLD OUT)
Accordion Structure with Patterns and Textures from Rubbings
with Margo Klass (SOLD OUT)
$175.00 (plus varying materials fee)
Saturday, April 12
9am-4:30pm (lunch break 12-1pm)
Treasure Books
with Belinda Hill
K-L Binding
with Connie Stricks (SOLD OUT)
Exploring Alcohol Inks/Triskele Globes
with Jocelyn Stoody (SOLD OUT)
Articulated Binding
with Pietro Accardi
Classes take place at various locations throughout Newport, South Beach, and Toledo.
Please note locations when browsing the class list.
Registration now open!
Click below for information on each class...
Questions? Please contact Christina Carlsen (
Newport Paper & Book Arts Festival Advisory Group
Cheri Aldrich • Margaret Paz-Partlow • Margo Klass • Moe Snyder • Sandi Williams
CLICK HERE to join the NPBAF Mailing List